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KOI Centrum Leczenia Bólu - leczenie bólu i opieka paliatywna

KOI Pain Management Center

We provide medical advice, home and telephone visits, a wide range of therapies and treatments related to the diagnosis and pain treatment of various origins and palliative medicine.

We use various types of pain therapy, including: pharmacotherapy, pain blocks, cryolesion, intravenous infusions.

We offer patients comprehensive support, providing access to physiotherapy, acupuncture and psychiatric help. We also treat chronic wounds.

KOI Centrum Leczenia Bólu -  specjalizacja leczenie bólu i opieka paliatywna Warszawa

There are many pain treatments available, depending on the cause and severity, to achieve significant improvement. Pain treatment can be effective by combining different methods, such as painkillers, natural methods or specialized therapies. It is important not to self-treat, but to conduct the therapy comprehensively after consulting a specialist to avoid side effects.


KOI Pain Treatment Center offers the following treatment methods, including: pharmacotherapy, analgesic blocks, cryolesion, intravenous infusions, needling, rehabilitation, wound treatment, and psychiatric assistance.


Pain therapy at the KOI Center includes both pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches. Specialists use various painkillers, using them in appropriate doses and combinations to adapt the therapy to the individual needs of the patient. In addition, the KOI Center offers interventional therapies such as nerve blocks, cryolesion and intravenous infusions, which can provide pain relief.


At the KOI Center, we also place great emphasis on a holistic and non-pharmacological approach. Patients can benefit from relaxation therapies such as massages, needling and physiotherapy, which can help relieve muscle tension and pain.


Palliative medicine and palliative treatment play a key role at the KOI Center. Patients who suffer from chronic, incurable diseases or are in an advanced stage of the disease obtain pain relief through appropriately selected therapy, which contributes to improving their well-being.

Konsultacje lekarskie w KOI Centrum Leczenia Bólu - leczenie bólu i opieka paliatywna
Zabiegi w KOI Centrum Leczenia Bólu - leczenie bólu i opieka paliatywna
Badania laboratoryjne w KOI Centrum Leczenia Bólu - leczenie bólu i opieka paliatywna
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Pain management - Warsaw | Poland | spin pains, headaches, sciatica

The most common sources of pain

KOI Pain Management Center is a place that offers a comprehensive approach to pain therapy, with particular emphasis on palliative medicine and palliative treatment. The KOI Center offers a wide range of services aimed at relieving the pain experienced by people struggling with various types of pain.


We treat ailments such as: spine and back pain, headaches and facial pain, pain in limbs, joints and muscles, pain after injuries and surgeries, cancer pain, pain related to the nervous system, and others.


The main advantage of our Center are qualified specialists who have knowledge and experience in pain therapy. Pain treatment at KOI is based on understanding and taking into account the individual needs of the patient. Pain therapy specialists select appropriate treatment methods and use their experience and knowledge to ensure that the treatment is safe and effective. Using the latest medical achievements. The KOI Center offers a variety of treatments that aim to relieve pain and improve quality of life while minimizing negative side effects.

If you suffer from pain, you should not ignore it and treat it yourself. Pain can affect your quality of life and daily activities. A visit to a specialist may help determine the cause of the pain and select the appropriate treatment method. Thanks to this, you will be able to quickly and effectively get rid of pain and restore fitness and joy of life.



Leczenie bólu - Warszawa. Opieka i medycyna paliatywna | Klinika bólu KOI w Warszawie - farmakoterapia, blokady przeciwbólowe, kriolezja, wlewy dożylne, igłoterapia na bóle kręgosłupa i pleców, głowy i twarzy, kończyn, stawów i mięśni, po urazach i operacjach, nowotwory.

Founder of KOI Pain Management Center

dr n. med. Anna Rupniewska - specjalista leczenia bólu

Ph. D. Anna Rupniewska

  • Many years of experience in pain management clinics and home hospice.

  • Ph.D. thesis on pain management among patients in the perioperative period

  • Postgraduate studies: Pain Medicine

  • 2 specializations: Anesthesiology and Palliative Medicine

Nowadays, more and more people suffer from chronic pain, which negatively affects their quality of life. Pain is one of the most common reasons people seek medical help. KOI Pain Management Center offers effective pain treatment methods that restore mobility and improve the quality of life of patients.

 Mobility and joy of life return, when pain subsides

Oncological pain is one of the symptoms accompanying various types of cancer. The causes of cancer pain may be different and depend on the type of cancer, its location and stage of development. Pain may be caused by tumor growth, compression or damage to surrounding tissues, as well as complications of chemotherapy or radiotherapy.


Oncological pain

Nervous system diseases can manifest themselves with various types of pain. Trigeminal neuralgia is unilateral facial pain that occurs along the branches of the trigeminal nerve and may be caused by pressure, trauma, or disease. Herpes zoster neuralgia is characterized by pain along one side of the body, usually around the waist, caused by reactivation of the shingles virus. Polyneuropathy is damage to many nerves throughout the body, leading to pain, numbness, muscle weakness and difficulty in motor coordination. Neuralgia is pain that is caused by direct damage or irritation to a nerve. Radicular pain occurs along the spinal nerves that exit the spine and may be caused by compression, inflammation or damage to the nerve roots.


Treatment for these conditions may include pain medications, causal therapy, physical therapy, psychological therapy, or in some cases, surgical interventions.


Nervous system diseases

Headaches and facial pain are a common condition characterized by pain or discomfort in the head area. Different types of headaches can occur, such as migraines, tension headaches, and cluster headaches. Often, headaches are caused by factors such as stress, fatigue, poor diet, poor sleep habits, excessive exposure to screens or the external environment, infections or hormonal changes.


Treatment for headaches may include painkillers, rest, stress reduction, healthy eating habits, regular physical activity, and avoiding triggers.


Headache and facial pain, migraine

Rheumatic pain, limb pain, joint pain and muscle pain are common ailments that affect many people around the world. Rheumatism is a general term that refers to various disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The causes of rheumatic pain may be varied.


They are often caused by inflammatory conditions such as arthritis or arthritis. Other causes may be injuries, joint overload, aging and genetic factors. Rheumatic pain may also be a symptom of chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.



Rheumatic pain, limb, joint and muscle pain

Back pain can have various causes, including poor body posture, overload, injuries, joint degeneration, neuralgia and inflammation. The pain may be felt as dull, sharp, radiating or restricting movement. They are often accompanied by stiffness, dizziness, numbness or muscle weakness. Various methods are used to treat spine pain, depending on the cause and severity of symptoms. These may include physiotherapy, massages, muscle strengthening exercises, acupuncture, painkillers, heat or cold therapies. It is also important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, regular physical activity, correct body posture and avoiding prolonged sitting or lifting heavy objects.


Sciatica characterized by severe lower back pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve, usually down one leg. The most common cause is compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve near the spine, such as a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, or spinal degeneration. Symptoms may include burning, tingling, numbness and muscle weakness in the leg. Treatment for sciatica usually involves relieving pain and inflammation through pain medications, physical therapy, heat or cold therapy, and exercises to strengthen muscles and improve flexibility. In some cases, when symptoms are persistent or worsening, surgery may be necessary to relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve


Spine and back pain, sciatica

Pain after surgery (which involves controlled tissue damage) and pain after injuries fall into the category of acute pain. This type of pain should be treated so that the patient can function without suffering. With properly selected analgesic treatment, it should be possible to sleep uninterrupted at night, be able to engage in light physical activity and perform physiological activities without pain (e.g. drinking or eating).

Pain after surgery and injuries

Pain management is one of the most important elements of medical care, especially for people suffering from chronic or advanced diseases. Appropriate pain treatment helps alleviate the symptoms of the disease and improve the patient's quality of life. One of the most important elements of pain treatment is an individual approach to the patient and his needs. Palliative medicine is a form of medical care that aims to provide patients who suffer from chronic, incurable or advanced diseases with comfort and the best possible quality of life.

Palliative care includes the treatment of pain and other symptoms of the disease. As part of palliative medicine, the patient is subjected to an individual treatment plan, tailored to his needs and preferences.

Pain blockers

Pain blocks are a medical procedure in which a doctor injects pain medications directly into a specific area of the body, usually a joint or nerve. To properly locate the site of administration, visualization using an ultrasound or X-ray device is used. The medicine is administered by a doctor using a needle and syringe.

Pain blocks are often used to treat spinal pain, back pain, joint pain and neuropathic pain. They can also be used to relieve post-operative pain.



Cryolesia is a treatment method that uses low temperatures to reduce pain and inflammation. The aim of cryolesion is thermal, temporary damage to the nerve branch responsible for the feeling of pain in a given area of the body. The procedure is performed under ultrasound guidance, which ensures precise location of the nerve.

The procedure itself is performed under local anesthesia of the skin and subcutaneous tissue and involves the introduction of a freezing probe through a small prick or incision in the skin. Cryolesia is primarily an alternative to pharmacotherapy. Long-term use of painkillers is primarily associated with their toxicity and liver load, and may also cause interactions with other drugs taken by the patient. Cryolesia is also an alternative to thermolesion. Thermolesia, unlike cryolesia, involves affecting nerve branches with high temperature.


Find out more: Cryolesia.



Pharmacoterapy is the treatment of pain with drugs. It may include different classes of medications, such as over-the-counter nonsteroidal painkillers, opioid medications, anti-inflammatory medications, migraine medications, antidepressants, antiepileptic medications, and others. Painkillers can be delivered to the body in various ways: orally, intranasally, inhaled, through the skin, intravenously, intra-articularly, etc. Painkillers relieve discomfort caused by illness, injury, surgery and chronic diseases.



Needle therapy

Needle therapy is divided into:

  • acupuncture (used by a doctor)
  • dry needling (used in physiotherapy)


Acupuncture is a method of stimulating acupuncture points (places on the skin or subcutaneous tissue) or certain parts of the body using thin needles, which, according to Far Eastern medicine, are supposed to unblock meridians (energy channels), restore internal balance and the ability to regenerate. On average, from several to 20 needles are used during one treatment.

An acupuncture doctor makes a diagnosis based on a carefully collected interview and physical examination. Then, depending on the diagnosis, he selects points for stimulation.


Dry needling is a method in which a physiotherapist punctures appropriate points on the patient's body with acupuncture needles. Unlike acupuncture, there are fewer punctures but they are deeper (muscles, tendons, fascia).

Dry needling focuses primarily on trigger points. These are muscle fibers with increased tension, taking the shape of palpable thickenings. These points are hypersensitive to pressure and cause pain.



Rehabilitation in the treatment of pain is an important element of the recovery process, especially in the case of ailments resulting from injuries, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, chronic spine or joint pain. It includes a variety of techniques and approaches aimed at relieving pain, restoring physical function and improving the patient's quality of life. The primary goal of pain rehabilitation is to reduce discomfort and restore normal body function.


Physical therapies such as exercise, massage, and physical therapy are often used in the pain management process. Exercises strengthen muscles, improve joint flexibility and stability, and reduce muscle tension, which helps reduce pain. Additionally, manual techniques such as massage, mobilization and joint manipulation help loosen tight tissues and improve blood circulation. Therapists also often work to improve posture, which can help reduce stress on joints and muscles.


Pain rehabilitation is a comprehensive process that requires cooperation between the patient and the therapist. An individual treatment plan is tailored to your specific needs and the type of pain you are struggling with. With regular rehabilitation sessions and self-discipline in performing the recommended exercises and techniques, you can achieve significant improvement.


Wound treatment

The treatment of chronic wounds requires specialized knowledge and skills, which is why it is often carried out by trained staff, such as nurses specializing in wound care, under the supervision of a specialist, e.g. a surgeon or a palliative medicine doctor. Chronic wounds can be the result of various diseases, such as diabetes or vascular diseases, so therapy requires a comprehensive approach, including both direct treatment of the wound and control of the underlying disease. In addition to the use of various dressings, therapy often also includes compression therapy to reduce swelling and accelerate healing.

Psychiatric help

Psychiatric help plays a key role in the treatment of various types of pain and affective diseases, such as depression, anxiety disorders, neuroses and insomnia. Pain, especially neuropathic pain, can lead to a significant deterioration in the quality of life and significantly limit patients' daily functioning. Psychiatric support is not only important for relieving the pain itself, but also for managing the emotional aspects associated with it.

Neuropathic pain, resulting from damage or dysfunction of the nervous system, can be difficult to control with traditional treatments. Psychiatric support may include the use of painkillers, antidepressants, or neurological therapy, which aim to reduce pain symptoms and improve the patient's functioning.


Intravenous infusions

Intravenous infusions of medications are used to treat some forms of pain. Drugs that cannot be administered orally are administered this way. Injecting the drug is also often used to obtain a quick and strong analgesic effect (for example, to stop a migraine attack), which contributes to immediate pain relief.

It is also worth emphasizing that intravenous infusions require constant medical supervision. Your doctor and medical staff monitor you while your infusions are administered to ensure you receive the correct dose of medication and monitor for possible side effects.





Months of activity


Satisfied patients


Cryolysis performed

Frequently asked questions

A visit to a doctor specializing in pain treatment does not require any special preparation of the patient. All you need to do is bring a complete set of medical documents and a list of medications you take along with the dosage.


The visit usually begins with an interview during which the doctor asks the patient about the type of pain, its intensity, frequency of occurrence, and other factors influencing the symptoms. An important element of the interview is also the question about other diseases and medications taken to avoid conflicts between pain treatment and chronic treatment.


The patient's history of reactions to previous medications and any events that could affect his or her tolerance to treatment are also important. The doctor may also ask you to rate your pain on a scale from 0 to 10, which helps you understand the intensity of the pain. All these issues are important for proper adjustment of pain therapy.


The interview is a key part of the visit, but it is not its only element. The doctor also performs a physical examination and may order additional diagnostic tests to comprehensively assess the patient's health condition.

How to prepare for a visit to a pain clinic?

The essence of treatment in a pain clinic is a holistic approach, taking into account various factors affecting the patient's symptoms, which may lead to more effective treatment.


Many patients have tried various forms of therapy but have not achieved the expected results. Therefore, in a pain clinic, various therapeutic methods are combined and patients are referred to specialists in other fields if there are additional factors, such as psychogenic or emotional aspects.


Patients often use pharmacological therapy suggested by, for example, orthopedists or neurologists, but even effective drugs may generate troublesome side effects. For this reason, minimally invasive methods, such as nerve blocks or cryolesion, are good alternatives with minimal side effects.


Sometimes effective treatment requires a combination of pharmacological therapy, surgery and rehabilitation.

What are the characteristics of treatment in a pain clinic?

Cryolysis, which uses very low temperatures, involves using a needle under the control of a camera to directly freeze the nerves responsible for pain. The procedure involves applying a needle under the control of a camera to the place where the nerve causing pain is located, and then generating an ice ball with a temperature of minus 60 degrees Celsius. The frozen nerve becomes as if "stunned" and stops causing pain.


This method is based on physical action, no drugs are used, which eliminates the possibility of side effects.

What is cryolesion treatment?

The term "palliative" comes from the Latin word "pallium", meaning mantle, which symbolizes care for the patient and alleviating the symptoms associated with the treatment of the disease, both oncological and chronic. Palliative medicine doctors try to make the treatment as comfortable as possible for the patient, especially in the case of side effects such as pain, vomiting or constipation.


It is worth emphasizing that palliative medicine should be an integral part of treatment parallel to oncological therapy. Patients do not have to wait for this process to be completed or for the final stages of the disease to benefit from palliative care. This is an approach that aims to improve the patient's quality of life and comfort, regardless of the phase of the disease he is in.

When to use palliative medicine?

Thanks to this treatment, the patient may experience pain relief for several weeks or even months. Once the nerve has regenerated, there are several scenarios, including the possibility of pain returning, partial reduction in intensity, or even permanent healing, meaning no return of pain. Additionally, it is possible to repeat the treatment if necessary without fear of drug accumulation or side effects. This method is recognized due to its effectiveness and minimization of the risk of complications.

How effective is cryolesion?